Dr. ment. dent. Hakan Bİlhan

Wir waren in Kopenhagen

I am proud to announce our published article: “Adjunctive application of Hyaluronichyaluronic acid in combination with a sodium hypochlorite gel for non-surgical treatment of residual pockets reduces the need infor periodontal surgery – retrospective analysis of a clinical case series”. Authors: Daniel Diehl, Anton Friedmann , Pheline Liedloff, Rico Marvin Jung, Anton Sculean, Hakan Bilhan

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Other Scientific Activities

ADDITIONAL SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY – BUCH KAPITEL/BOOK CHAPTERS/KİTAP BÖLÜMLERİ 1. Bilhan H. Preparation of the Mouth for Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 53-61. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. 2. Bilhan H. The Role of the Dental Implant in Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 195-208. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. 3. Bilhan H. Useful Facts Concerning Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 209-213. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. 4. Bilhan H, Arat S & Geckili O. Chapter 2: How Precise Is Dental Volumetric Tomography in the Prediction of Bone Density? In: Top 10 Contributions on Dental Science, Avid Science, India, 2018. Abstracts published in ‘Science Citation Index’ journals: 1) Bilhan H., Hocaoglu E., Güven E., Sonmez E., Bural C. “Prosthetic rehabilitation of a maxilla reconstructed with radial forearm osteocutaneous flap after tumour resection: a case report”. International Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery (2009); P195, page 588. 2) Koray M, Eren P, Bilhan H, Sisman N, Mumcu G, Tanyeri H. “Do removable denture-related lesions affect oral health related to quality of life?” Oral Diseases (2008); 14 (Suppl. 1), page 15. 3) Bilhan H., Sülün T., Kutay O. “Oral Lesions In Association With Removable Denture Wearers”. Journal Of Dental Research; June 2003, volume 82, B-369. 4) Bural C., Çelik M., Bilhan H., Bayraktar G. „Analysis of Traumatic Ulcerations Following Delivery of Complete Dentures“. International Dental Journal 2013; 63 (Suppl. 1): 297-378. 5) Yılmazcan Z., Arat S., Bilhan H., Unalan F., Geckili O. „The Comparison of the Precision of Different Dental Radiographic Methods in Mandibular Periimplantary Measurements“. International Dental Journal 2013; 63 (Suppl.1): 297-378. Course lecturer in: 1. Bilhan H. Implant Prosthetics. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 23-28, 2004, Antalya, Turkey 2. Bilhan H. Basic Course in Implant Prosthetics. FDI 2013 Annual World Dental Congress, August 28th-31st, 2013, İstanbul, Turkey.  3. Bilhan H. Straumann Basic Implantology Course, 21-23 September 2014, İstanbul, Turkey. 4. Bilhan H. Basic Course in Implant Prosthetics. 2015 Congress of the Turkish Dental Association, May 27th, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. 5. Bilhan H. Straumann Basic Implantology Course. December 27-29, 2015, İstanbul, Turkey.

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Beruflicher Werdegang

PARODONTOLOGIE Parodontitis,  eine chronische Krankheit, die 3/4 der Bevölkerung betrifft. Im Mittelpunkt steht fast immer der Zahnhalteapparat, da alles was darauf aufgebaut wird, hängt von dessen Gesundheit ab. Routine klinische Kontrollen und die vorbeugenden Massnahmen, unter Anderem die „Professionelle Zahnreinigung“ ist zur Plaquekontrolle und -reduktion unentbehrlich. Bitte lassen Sie sich bei mir ausführlich bezüglich der Vorsorge, Nachsorge, professionelle Zahnreinigung, Mundhygiene, Pariodontitisdiagnose, Parodontitisbehandlung und die Bedeutung der halbjährlichen Kontrollen untersuchen und beraten. Nach einer Parodontitisbehandlung stehen UPT (unterstützende Parodontitis Therapien) an. Die Intervalle werden nach Progressionsrate der Krankheit bestimmt. Bei parodontalen Problemen müssen auch von Zeit zu Zeit zusätzliche Massnahmen wie regenerative Verfahren (GTR-Guided Tissue Regeneration-regenerative Parodontose Behandlung), Rezessionsdeckungen von zurückgegangenem Zahnfleisch mit und ohne Bindegewebstransplantaten, Beschaffen von keratinisierter Schleimhaut mittels Freier Schleimhauttransplantate, und der Einsatz von Biomaterialien. Meine Publikationen —- Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan The Tunneled Sandwich Technique for… Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan News – Nachrichten Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Other Scientific Activities Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Parodontologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Gerodontologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Congress & Symposium Activity Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Implantologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Zahnärztliche Prothetik Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Meine Publikationen Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Invited Lectures

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Eingeladen zu Vorträgen

Gerodontologie (Seniorenzahnmedizin) Während der letzten Jahrzehnte hat in der Zahnmedizin eine immer schneller voranschreitende Aufgliederung und Fokussierung der einzelnen Spezialgebiete stattgefunden. Dahinter steht das zahnärztliche Anliegen, noch gezielter und individueller auf die spezifischen Anforderungen der verschiedenen Patientengruppen einzugehen. Ein wichtiges Kapitel in dieser Entwicklung ist die spezielle Zahnheilkunde für ältere und alte Menschen, die wir auch als Gerodontologie oder Seniorenzahnmedizin bezeichnen. In diesem Teilgebiet kümmere ich mich um die zahngesundheitlichen Anforderungen von Senioren, die doch deutlich vom Bedarf jüngerer Patienten abweichen. Bei vielen Patienten in diesem Segment spielen Fragen zum verbliebenen natürlichen Zahnbestand, zu Zahnverlusten, zur Situation des Zahnfleisches und zum grundlegenden Gesundheitsstatus des Zahnhalteapparats zusammen. Ich habe mich bereits seit vielen Jahren auf die zahnärztliche Beratung und Versorgung älterer und alter Patienten spezialisiert und bin da, wenn Sie sich von Ihrem bewährten Experten sorgfältig untersuchen, freundlich beraten und schonend behandeln lassen möchten, ausdrücklich auch bei umfangreichen Zahnverlusten oder einem komplizierten und anspruchsvollen Ausgangsbefund.  Meine Publikationen —- Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan The Tunneled Sandwich Technique for… Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan News – Nachrichten Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Other Scientific Activities Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Parodontologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Gerodontologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Congress & Symposium Activity Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Implantologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Zahnärztliche Prothetik Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Meine Publikationen Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Invited Lectures

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Congress & Symposium Activity

CONGRESS & SYMPOSIUM ACTIVITY (listed from most recent to previous): 57) Bilhan H. & Friedmann A. Die „Tunnellierte Sandwich Technik“ kombiniert mit der Sofortimplantation zum Schutz der bukkalen Lamelle bei dünnem Phenotypen: eine retrospektive Analyse. 36. DGI Kongress, 24-26 Nov 2022, Hamburg, Deutschland (poster presentation). 56) Liedloff P, Jung R, Diehl D, Al Ghawi-Begovic H, Bilhan H, Friedmann A. Chloramine gel and hyaluronic acid gel enhance effect of non-surgical instrumentation in persistent residual periodontal pockets – preliminary report from a clinical case series. EuroPerio10 – Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology, June 15-18, 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark (poster).55) Bilhan, H. & Friedmann, A. The tunneled sandwich technique for preserving the buccal tissue volume after immediate implantation: a retrospective report of eleven cases. EuroPerio10 – Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology, June 15-18, 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark (video presentation)-54) Bilhan, H. Digital Dentistry and Removable Prosthodontics: where do we stand today? 14th International Congress of the Hellenic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry in Thessaloniki, Greece; 15-16 December 2018 (invited speaker). 53) Bilhan, H. & Bosshart, Max (ZTM). The Gerber-Method and Digital Technology for Complete Dentures. 37th International AIOP in Bologna, Italy; 16-17 November 2018 (invited lecture). 52) Bilhan H. Treatment Alternatives for Edentulous Patients. Symposium on Geriatric Dentistry in the University of Zurich, 11.12.2017, Zürich, Switzerland (invited speaker).51) Bilhan H. “Digital Keys for Implant Overdenture Success.” ITI World Symposium, May 2-4 2017, Basel, Switzerland (invited speaker).50) Bilhan H. “Implant assisted removable dentures: seeing from another perspective”. ITI Congress of the Turkey & Azerbaidjan Section, December 2-4 2016, Antalya, Turkey (invited speaker).49) Ürgün A.C., Geçkili E., Geçkili O., Bilhan H., Kutay Ö., Bilgin T. The effect of crestal location and inter-implant distance of mandibular implants with different connection types on marginal bone loss after one year; p 093. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation).48) Bilmenoğlu C., Çilingir A., Bilhan H., Geçkili O., Gencel B., Bilgin T. The evaluation of point-based precision in extra-oral digital impression systems; p 206. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation).47) Bilmenoğlu C., Çilingir A., Ates G., Geçkili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T., Tuncer N. Comparison of extra-oral digital impression systems; p 094. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation).46) Arat Bilhan S., Bilhan H. The Restoration of Problematic Implant Suprastructures via Individualized Abutments instead of Prefabricated Abutments; p 195. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation).45) Arat Bilhan S., Bilhan H. Hybrid dentures: complications and solutions; p 194. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation).44) Geckili O., Geckili E., Bilhan H., Kutay O., Bilgin T. Comparison of the stability and marginal bone loss around implants with screwless morse taper and screw-retained implant-abutment connections. European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO) Congress – Challenges in Implant Treatment, September 24-26, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden (poster presentation).43) Bural C., Bilhan H., Bilmenoglu C., Urgun A.C., Ates G., Ciingir A., Geckili O. An in vitro study of primary stability
of two implant designs in two different bone types. European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO) Congress – Challenges in Implant Treatment, September 24-26, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden (poster presentation).42) Ateş G., Kasnak G., Bilhan H., Oner F., Firatli E.. Consequence of postoperative healing: oral surgeon vs periodontist. P1124 ; Europerio 8, June 3-6 2015, London, UK (poster presentation).41) Ürgün A.C., Bilhan H., Çilingir A., Bilmenoğlu Ç., Bural C., Geçkili O. “İmplant stabilite yöntemlerinden biri olan periotestin güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi: in vitro çalışma.”-“The Evaluation of the Relaibility of Periotest as an Implant Stability Measurement Method.” VIIth International Scientific Congress of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 19-22 November 2014, İstanbul, Turkey (poster presentation).40) Geçkili O., Bural C., Cilingir A., Bilmenoğlu C., Bilhan H. Optimum Torque Level to Tighten the Smartpegs of RFA Devices. 92nd General Session and Exhibition of the IADR, IADR Africa/ Middle East Regional Meeting. 25-28 June 2104, Cape Town, South Africa(oral presentation)39) Geçkili O., Bilhan H., Bural C., Cilingir A., Erdoğan Ö., Özdiler A., Bilmenoğlu C., Kesoğlu A. Effect of Interimplant Distance and Retention on Implant Overdenture Satisfaction. 92nd General Session and Exhibition of the IADR, IADR Africa/ Middle East Regional Meeting. 25-28 June 2104, Cape Town, South Africa (poster presentation)38) Bilhan H., Geçkili O., Çilingir A., Bural C., Bilmenoğlu Ç., Ürgün A.C., Ateş G. “In vitro evaluation of primary stability of dental implants placed with two different depths.” OP-12, page 63 in abstract booklet. VIIth International Scientific Congress of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 19-22 November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey(oral presentation)37) Bilmenoğlu Ç., Bural C., Bilhan H., Çilingir A., Geçkili O. “Assessment of demographic and clinical data related to dental implants in a group of turkish patients treated at a university clinic.” PB-129, page 139 in abstract booklet. VIIth International Scientific Congress of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 19-22 November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey (poster presentation).36) Yılmazcan Z., Arat S., Bilhan H., Unalan F., Geckili O.“The Comparison of the Precision of Different Dental Radiographic Methods in Mandibular Periimplantary Measurements“.FDI 2013 Annual World Dental Congress, Istanbul, August 28th-31st, 2013(poster presentation)35) Bural C., Çelik M., Bilhan H., Bayraktar G.“Analysis of Traumatic Ulcerations Following Delivery of Complete Dentures“.FDI 2013 Annual World Dental Congress, Istanbul, August 28th-31st, 2013(poster presentation)34) Bilhan H.“Which Implant Treatment in Which Edentulous Patient“.Year Fix Meeting of PEERS Germany 2013, January 18-19, 2013, Frankfurt, Germany.33) Ateş G., Cilingir A., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Sulun T.“In vitro Comparison of Two Different Materials for the Repair of Urethane Dimethacrylate Denture Bases“.36th Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association; Rotterdam-Holland, September 6-8, 2012.(poster presentation)32) Erdogan O., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Ergin S., Ates G.“The Clinical Evaluation of Complications and Patient Satisfaction of Patients Wearing Complete Dentures“.10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012. (poster presentation)31) Geckili O., Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Mumcu E., Bural C.“The in vitro Comparison of 2 Different Magnetic Devices used for Dental Implant Stability Measurements“.10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey,

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IMPLANTOLOGIE Einfach gesagt ist ein Zahnimplantat eine künstliche Zahnwurzel. Sie lässt sich präzise dort in den Kieferknochen einsetzen, wo Sie einen echten Zahn verloren haben, und dient nach dem Einwachsen als neue, solide Basis für Zahnersatz; bei einem fehlenden Einzelzahn als auch für die passgenau angefertigte Zahnkrone. Natürlich können Implantate auch als stabile Grundlage für Zahnprothetik (Implantatprothetik) in größerem Umfang dienen, also beispielsweise für Brücken, Teilprothesen oder Vollprothesen. Dabei liegt ein großer Vorteil für Patienten darin, dass wir bei größeren Zahnrestaurationen nicht für jeden fehlenden echten Zahn ein Implantat einplanen müssen. Im Idealfall reichen nur vier bis sechs künstliche Zahnwurzeln aus, um einen Zahnersatz für den gesamten Oberkiefer oder Unterkiefer belastbar und dauerhaft zu verankern. Mit dem Einsatz von einigen wenigen Implantaten können herausnehmbare Prothesen retentiv und stabil gemacht werden, so dass Patienten wieder mit Selbstvertrauen essen und lächeln können. Da die Implantologie in meinem persönlichen Kompetenzprofil und darüber hinaus auch im Leistungsspektrum unserer Praxis einen zentralen Schwerpunkt einnimmt, können Sie sich auf die hohe Qualität unserer Versorgung verlassen.  Meine Publikationen —- Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan The Tunneled Sandwich Technique for… Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan News – Nachrichten Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Other Scientific Activities Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Parodontologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Gerodontologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Congress & Symposium Activity Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Implantologie Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Zahnärztliche Prothetik Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Meine Publikationen Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan Invited Lectures

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Dr. Bilhan: Ihr Zahnarzt in Bochum | Ihre Zahnarztpraxis im Ruhrgebiet

Zahnärztliche Prothetik

Zahnärztliche Prothetik (Zahnersatz) Der passende und aus bestem Material erstellte Zahnersatz ist unverzichtbar, um Implantate zu komplettieren und daraus eine funktionale sowie ästhetisch überzeugende Zahnlösung herzustellen. Zahnersatz in seinen vielfältigen Formen als Zahnkrone (Vollkeramik -Zirkonia oder Lithium Disilikat- , Veneer, Verblendet), Zahnbrücke, Teilprothese (Präzisionsanker, Modellgussprothese mit Klammern, Teleskopprothesen) oder Vollprothese (Totalprothese) kann aber auch auf entsprechend präparierten echten Zähnen sitzen, wenn sie aufgrund ihrer Substanz und Stabilität dafür geeignet sind. In der zahnärztlichen Prothetik hat sich in den letzten Jahren sehr vieles getan, in Werkstoffkunde sowie auch Digitalisierung. Um meinen Patienten die modernsten Techniken und die besten Dienstleistungen bieten zu können, halte ich mich immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand. In unserer Zahnklinik ist das hausinterne Dentallabor integriert, so dass wir jederzeit eng und ohne langen Vorlauf zusammenarbeiten können. Diese auch räumlich enge Konstellation ist ideal, um Zahnprothetik in allen nur denkbaren Varianten, Ausführungen und Umfängen effizient für unsere Patienten zu erstellen: ohne zusätzliche Wege und weitere Abstimmungsprozesse, dafür aus einer Hand und zu fairen Konditionen. Die Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde beinhaltet nicht nur weisse Füllungen, Veneers oder „Bleaching“(das Bleichen für hellere Zähne – Zahnaufhellung), sondern auch moderne Behandlungsstrategien wie „Smile Design“. Meine Publikationen Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU The Tunneled Sandwich Technique for… Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU News – Nachrichten Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Other Scientific Activities Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Parodontologie Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Gerodontologie Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Congress & Symposium Activity Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Implantologie Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Zahnärztliche Prothetik Aralık 28, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Meine Publikationen Kasım 29, 2022 Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan DEU Invited Lectures Kasım 6, 2022

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Meine Publikationen

Meine Publikationen / My Publications / Yayınlarım ( – sorted by most recent: 107. 1. Ates G, Geckili O, …. , Bilhan H. Comparative evaluation of survival rates and marginal bone levels of non-splinted immediately loaded interforaminal implants retaining mandibular overdentures: a randomized controlled clinical trial with 5-year results. Int. J Oral & Maxillofac Implants 2022;  106. Diehl D, Kaner D, Bockholt A, Bilhan H, Friedmann A. „Microcirculation and Neutrophil-related cytokine concentrations are not altered around narrow diameter implants in T2DM patients during wound healing“. Clinical Oral Investigations 2022; (accepted for publication – doi: 10.1007/s00784-022-04731-3. Online ahead of print.) 105. Diehl D, Friedmann A, Liedloff P, Jung RM, Sculean A, Bilhan H. Adjunctive application of Hyaluronic acid in combination with a sodium hypochlorite gel for non-surgical treatment of residual pockets reduces the need in periodontal surgery – retrospective analysis of a clinical case series. Materials 2022; 15, 6508. 104. Bilhan H., Friedmann A. The “tunneled sandwich” technique for preserving the buccal tissue volume after immediate implantation: a retrospective report of ten cases. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry: 2022 (accepted for publication) 103. Diehl D, Winkler M, Bilhan H, Friedmann A. “Implant stability of narrow diameter implants in hyperglycemic patients – a 3-month case control study”. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2022; 1-7. 102. Friedmann A, Bilhan H, Saidowa-Friedmann A. Nichtchirurgische PAR-Therapie Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener im Licht der neuesten EFP-Leitlinie. Quintessenz Zahnmedizin 2022; 73(4): 2-19. 101. Akdemir S, Tokgöz SE, Kurt E, Bilhan H. Determination of intercanine distance from a proportion calculation: A pilot clinical study. J Prosthet Dent. 2022; ISSN 0022-3913, 100. van Orten A, Goetz W, Bilhan H. Tooth-Derived Granules in Combination with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (“Sticky Tooth”) in Socket Preservation: A Histological Evaluation. Dentistry Journal. 2022; 10(2):29. 99. Bilhan H, Erdogan O, Geckili O, Bilgin T. “Comparison of Marginal Bone Levels around Tissue Level implants with platform matched and Bone Level Implants with Platform Switching connections: 1-year results of a prospective cohort study with split mouth design.” International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2021 Sep-Oct; 36(5): 945-951. 98. Friedmann A, Winkler M, Diehl D, Yildiz MS, Bilhan H. “One-year performance of posterior narrow diameter implants in hyperglycemic and normo-glycemic patients-a pilot study.” Clin Oral Investig. 2021; 25(12):6707-6715. 97. Tokgöz S.E., Bilhan H. “The Influence of the Implant-Abutment Complex On Marginal Bone And Peri-Implant Conditions: A Retrospective Study.” Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 2021; 13: 46-54.  96. Bilmenoglu C., Ateş G., Ürgün A.C., Geçkili O., Çilingir A., Bural C., Bilhan H. “Can Implant Positioning Errors be Detected by Primary Stability Measurements? – İmplantların Yerleşim Hataları Primer Stabilite Ölçümü ile Saptanabilir mi?” Turkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci. 2021; 27(1):1-5. 95. Krischik D., Tokgöz S.E., van Orten A., Friedmann A., Bilhan H. “An In Vitro Evaluation of Primary Stability Values for Two Differently Designed Implants to Suit Immediate Loading in Very Soft Bone.” Dent. J. (Basel) 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, 5. 94. Friedmann A., Stavropoulos A., Bilhan H. “GTR Treatment in Furcation Grade II Periodontal Defects with the Recently Reintroduced Guidor PLA Matrix Barrier: A Case Series with Chronological Step-by-Step Illustrations.” Case Reports in Dentistry 2020; Article ID 8856049, 10 pages 93. van Orten A., Bilhan H. “PRF from the Perspective of a Daily Practitioner: Where are the Limits?“ Acta Scientific DENTAL SCIENCES 2020; 4(11): 54-59.  92. Bilmenoglu C., Cilingir A., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T. In vitro comparison of trueness of 10 intraoral scanners for implant-supported complete-arch fixed dental prostheses. J Prosthet Dent. 2020; 124(6):755-760. 91. Friedmann A., van Orten A., Bilhan H. “Sinus floor elevation – a valuable chance to restore posterior edentulous maxilla by implant supported reconstruction – Augmentation de la hauteur du plancher sinusien: un atout précieux pour restaurer l’edentation postérieure maxillaire par reconstruction implanto-portee.” Journal de Parodontologie & d’Implantologie Orale 2019; 38: 315-326. 90. Arat Bilhan S., Geckili O., Cilingir A., Bozdag E., Bilhan H. “The Evaluation of two interforaminal implants and implant-assisted removable dentures on the stress distribution: an in vitro study.” J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019; 45: 199-206.  89. Geckili O., Bilhan H., Geckili E., Barca-Dayan E., Dayan C., Bural C. “Is clinical experience important for obtaining the primary stability of dental implants with aggressive threads? An ex vivo study.” Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 Mar 1;24 (2): e254-259. 88. Bural C., Güven M.Ç., Kayacıoğlu B., Ak G., Bayraktar G., Bilhan H. Effect of Over-the-Counter Topical Agents on Denture-Induced Traumatic Lesions: A Clinical Study. Int J Prosthodont. 2018 Sep/Oct; 31(5): 481-484. doi: 10.11607/ijp.5803 87. Yabul A., Dayan C., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Tuncer N. Evaluation of volumetric wear of abutments on the retention loss of ball attachment systems in implant retained overdentures: an in vitro study. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2018; 20: 778-784. doi: 10.1111/cid.12644 86. Bilhan H. Preparation of the mouth for removable partial dentures. Clin Dent Rev 2018; 2: 13. 85. Keşoğlu A.C., Bural C., Genç G.E., Erturan Z., Çınar Ç., Oğuz F., Bilgin T., Bilhan H. Cytokine gene polymorphism in denture stomatitis patients: A clinical study. Oral Dis. 2018; Sep, 24(6): 983-992. doi: 10.1111/odi.12844. 84. Cilingir A., Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Gomec Y., Özcan M. Adhesion of conventional and self-adhesive resin cements to indirect resin composite using different surface conditioning methods. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2017; 31(4): 358–68. 83. Mercan U., Bilhan H., Meral D.G., Kazokoglu S., Aykol-Sahin G., Geckili O. Influence of the Localization of Frontal Bone Defects on Primary Stability Values of Different Implant Designs: An In Vitro Study. Implant Dentistry 2017; 26(1): 87-94. 82. Geckili E., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Kutay O., Bilgin T. “Clinical Comparison of Screw-Retained and Screwless Morse Taper Implant-Abutment Connections: One year post loading results.”International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2017; 32(5):1123–1131. 81. Geckili O., Cilingir A., Bural C., Bilmenoglu C, Bilhan H.„Determination of the optimum torque to tighten the Smartpegs of magnetic resonance frequency analyses devices: an ex-vivo study“.Journal of Oral Implantology 2015; 41(6): e252-6. 80. Bilhan H., Bilmenoglu C., Ates G, Urgun A.C., Bural C., Cilingir A., Geckili O. „Comparison of the Primary Stability Values of two Different Implant Designs: an in vitro study“.International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2015; 30(5): 1036–1040. 79. Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Bilmenoğlu C., Bural C., Şakar O.,Geckili O. „The Evaluation of the Reliability of Periotest in Implant Stability Measurements“. Journal of Oral Implantology 2015; 41(4): e90-95. 78. Bilhan H., Geckili O., Arat Bilhan S., Aycicek F., Albayrak B., Bozbulut P., Unalan F.

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Dr. ment. dent. Hakan Bİlhan

Invited Lectures

Invited Lectures Online WEBINAR:1) Bilhan H. Periyoprotezler/Perioprosthesis. BAU Bahçeşehir University Dental School Webinar Series; 26 May 2020 (invited speaker)2) Bilhan H. Periyoprotezler/Perioprosthesis. Istanbul University Dental School Webinar Series; 1 June 2020 (invited speaker)3) Bilhan H. Socket Koruma Yöntemleri ve Önemi/Socket Preservation Techniques and their importance. Osseder – Turkish Academy of                      Osseointegration Ask the Expert Webinar Series; 19 January 2021 (invited speaker)4) Bilhan H. Socket preservation and beyond. Doctor to Doctor- Worlds Top 100 Organization; 9 May 2021 (invited speaker)5) Bilhan H. Die Verwendung von Airflow (EMS) in der PZR (supragingival), in der Parodontitistherapie und in der unterstützenden            Parodontitistherapie (UPT) – Guide Biofilm Therapy (GBT) Online Fortbildung – 25 October 2022 International1) Bilhan, H. Digital Dentistry and Removable Prosthodontics: where do we stand today? 14th International Congress of the Hellenic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry in Thessaloniki, Greece; 15-16 December 2018 (invited speaker). 2) Bilhan, H. & Bosshart, Max (ZTM). The Gerber-Method and Digital Technology for Complete Dentures. 37th International AIOP in Bologna, Italy;  16-17 November 2018 (invited lecture).  3) Bilhan H. Treatment Alternatives for Edentulous Patients. Symposium on Geriatric Dentistry in the University of Zurich, 11.12.2017, Zürich, Switzerland (invited speaker). 4) Bilhan H. “Digital Keys for Implant Overdenture Success.” ITI World Symposium, May 2-4 2017, Basel, Switzerland (invited speaker). 5) Bilhan H. “Implant assisted removable dentures: seeing from another perspective”. ITI Congress of the Turkey & Azerbaidjan Section, December 2-4 2016, Antalya, Turkey (invited speaker). 6) Bilhan H. „Which Implant Treatment in Which Edentulous Patient“. Year Fix Meeting of PEERS Germany 2013, January 18-19, 2013, Frankfurt, Germany (invited speaker). ITI SC Vortraege 1. Bilhan H. “Treatment Strategies in Edentulism”. ITI Berlin SC Meeting, June 21st 2019, Germany. 2. Bilhan H. “The stability measurements in implant dentistry: where are the limits.” ITI Witten SC Meeting, June 5th 2019, Germany. 3. Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ ITI Istanbul Study Club Meeting 2016/4, November 14th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. 4. Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Gaziantep Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 12th 2016, Gaziantep, Turkey. 5. Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Konya Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 7th 2016, Konya, Turkey 6. Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures and Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Cases.” ITI İzmit Study Club Meeting 2015/4, December 22, 2015, İzmit. 7. Bilhan H. “Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.” ITI Academic 2 Study Club 2015 4. Meeting, December 18th, 2015, The Marmara Pera Hotel, İstanbul. 8. Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures.” ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2015/2, June 13, 2015, Samsun, Turkey. 9. Bilhan H. „Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.“ ITI Academic I Study Club Meeting 2014/4; November 13th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey 10. Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2013/3; September 21st, 2013, Samsun, Turkey 11. Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Gaziantep SC Meeting 2013/2, May 4th, 2013, Gaziantep, Turkey 12. Bilhan H. „The Importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ ve „Attachments in Implant Overdentures“. ITI Kayseri Study Club 2012/4, November 26th, 2012, Kayseri, Turkey 13. Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Diyarbakir SC Meeting 2012/2, May 16th, 2012, Diyarbakir, Turkey Local Meetings in Turkey:1) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ Evening Seminar Series of the Esthetic Academy of Dentistry, December 12th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. 2) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ ITI Istanbul Study Club Meeting 2016/4, November 14th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. 3) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Gaziantep Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 12th 2016, Gaziantep, Turkey. 4) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Konya Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 7th 2016, Konya, Turkey  5) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting, January 17th, 2016, Taksim Point Hotel, İstanbul.  6) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures and Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Cases.” ITI İzmit Study Club Meeting 2015/4, December 22, 2015, İzmit.  7) Bilhan H. “Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.” ITI Academic 2 Study Club 2015 4. Meeting, December 18th, 2015, The Marmara Pera Hotel, İstanbul.  8) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures.” ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2015/2, June 13, 2015, Samsun, Turkey.  9) Bilhan H. „Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.“ ITI Academic I Study Club Meeting 2014/4; November 13th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey  10) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting; October 15h, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey  11) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ and „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism“. ITI Bursa Study Club Meeting 2014/2; April 6th, 2014, Bursa, Turkey  12) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting; March 16th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey  13) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2013/3; September 21st, 2013, Samsun, Turkey  14) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Gaziantep SC Meeting 2013/2, May 4th, 2013, Gaziantep, Turkey  15) Bilhan H. „The Importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ ve „Attachments in Implant Overdentures“. ITI Kayseri Study Club 2012/4, November 26th, 2012, Kayseri, Turkey  16) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Diyarbakir SC Meeting 2012/2, May 16th, 2012, Diyarbakir, Turkey  17) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „The importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ – „SAC Classification“ – „Surgical stents“. Course on Straumann Dental Implant System- Antalya; March 17th, 2012  18) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Malatya SC Meeting 2012/1, March 10th, 2012, Malatya, Turkey  19) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „The importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ – „SAC Classification“ – „Surgical stents“. ITI Education Program, February 25th, 2012 – Bolu, Turkey  20) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ – „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Patients“. ITI Samsun SC Meeting 2012/1,

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