Dr. med. dent. Hakan Bilhan

Invited Lectures
Online Webinar
1) Bilhan H. Periyoprotezler/Perioprosthesis. BAU Bahçeşehir University Dental School Webinar Series; 26 May 2020 (invited speaker)
2) Bilhan H. Periyoprotezler/Perioprosthesis. Istanbul University Dental School Webinar Series; 1 June 2020 (invited speaker)
3) Bilhan H. Socket Koruma Yöntemleri ve Önemi/Socket Preservation Techniques and their importance. Osseder – Turkish Academy of Osseointegration Ask the Expert Webinar Series; 19 January 2021 (invited speaker)
4) Bilhan H. Socket preservation and beyond. Doctor to Doctor- Worlds Top 100 Organization; 9 May 2021 (invited speaker)
5) Bilhan H. Die Verwendung von Airflow (EMS) in der PZR (supragingival), in der Parodontitistherapie und in der unterstützenden Parodontitistherapie (UPT) – Guide Biofilm Therapy (GBT) Online-Fortbildung – 25 October 2022
1) Bilhan H. Digital Dentistry and Removable Prosthodontics: where do we stand today? 14th International Congress of the Hellenic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry in Thessaloniki, Greece; 15-16 December 2018 (invited speaker).
2) Bilhan H. & Bosshart, Max (ZTM). The Gerber-Method and Digital Technology for Complete Dentures. 37th International AIOP in Bologna, Italy; 16-17 November 2018 (invited lecture).
3) Bilhan H. Treatment Alternatives for Edentulous Patients. Symposium on Geriatric Dentistry in the University of Zurich, 11.12.2017, Zürich, Switzerland (invited speaker).
4) Bilhan H. “Digital Keys for Implant Overdenture Success.” ITI World Symposium, May 2-4, 2017, Basel, Switzerland (invited speaker).
5) Bilhan H. “Implant assisted removable dentures: seeing from another perspective”. ITI Congress of the Turkey & Azerbaidjan Section, December 2-4, 2016, Antalya, Turkey (invited speaker).
6) Bilhan H. „Which Implant Treatment in Which Edentulous Patient“. Year Fix Meeting of PEERS Germany 2013, January 18-19, 2013, Frankfurt, Germany (invited speaker).
ITI SC Lectures
1) Bilhan H. “Treatment Strategies in Edentulism”. ITI Berlin SC Meeting, June 21st, 2019, Germany.
2) Bilhan H. “The stability measurements in implant dentistry: where are the limits.” ITI Witten SC Meeting, June 5th, 2019, Germany.
3) Bilhan H. “Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.” ITI Istanbul Study Club Meeting 2016/4, November 14th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
4) Bilhan H. “Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions”. ITI Gaziantep Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 12th, 2016, Gaziantep, Turkey.
5) Bilhan H. “Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions”. ITI Konya Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 7th, 2016, Konya, Turkey.
6) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures and Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Cases.” ITI İzmit Study Club Meeting 2015/4, December 22, 2015, İzmit.
7) Bilhan H. “Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.” ITI Academic 2 Study Club 2015 4. Meeting, December 18th, 2015, The Marmara Pera Hotel, İstanbul.
8) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures.” ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2015/2, June 13, 2015, Samsun, Turkey.
9) Bilhan H. “Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.” ITI Academic I Study Club Meeting 2014/4; November 13th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
10) Bilhan H. “Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry”. ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2013/3; September 21st, 2013, Samsun, Turkey.
11) Bilhan H. “Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry”. ITI Gaziantep SC Meeting 2013/2, May 4th, 2013, Gaziantep, Turkey.
12) Bilhan H. “The Importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry” ve “Attachments in Implant Overdentures”. ITI Kayseri Study Club 2012/4, November 26th, 2012, Kayseri, Turkey.
13) Bilhan H. “Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry”. ITI Diyarbakir SC Meeting 2012/2, May 16th, 2012, Diyarbakir, Turkey.
Local Meetings in Turkey:
1) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ Evening Seminar Series of the Esthetic Academy of Dentistry, December 12th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
2) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ ITI Istanbul Study Club Meeting 2016/4, November 14th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
3) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Gaziantep Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 12th, 2016, Gaziantep, Turkey.
4) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Konya Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 7th, 2016, Konya, Turkey.
5) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting, January 17th, 2016, Taksim Point Hotel, İstanbul.
6) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures and Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Cases.” ITI İzmit Study Club Meeting 2015/4, December 22, 2015, İzmit.
7) Bilhan H. “Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.” ITI Academic 2 Study Club 2015 4. Meeting, December 18th, 2015, The Marmara Pera Hotel, İstanbul.
8) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures.” ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2015/2, June 13, 2015, Samsun, Turkey.
9) Bilhan H. „Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.“ ITI Academic I Study Club Meeting 2014/4; November 13th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
10) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting; October 15h, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
11) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ and „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism“. ITI Bursa Study Club Meeting 2014/2; April 6th, 2014, Bursa, Turkey.
12) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting; March 16th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
13) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2013/3; September 21st, 2013, Samsun, Turkey.
14) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Gaziantep SC Meeting 2013/2, May 4th, 2013, Gaziantep, Turkey.
15) Bilhan H. „The Importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ ve „Attachments in Implant Overdentures“. ITI Kayseri Study Club 2012/4, November 26th, 2012, Kayseri, Turkey.
16) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Diyarbakir SC Meeting 2012/2, May 16th, 2012, Diyarbakir, Turkey.
17) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „The importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ – „SAC Classification“ – „Surgical stents“. Course on Straumann Dental Implant System- Antalya; March 17th, 2012.
18) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Malatya SC Meeting 2012/1, March 10th, 2012, Malatya, Turkey.
19) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „The importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ – „SAC Classification“ – „Surgical stents“. ITI Education Program, February 25th, 2012 – Bolu, Turkey.
20) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ – „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Patients“. ITI Samsun SC Meeting 2012/1, February 18th, 2012, Samsun, Turkey.
21) Bilhan H. „Prosthodontic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. Istanbul Dental Chamber – Education Activity Istanbul; January 30th, 2012.
22) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „Straumann Guided Surgery“ – „Loading Protocols“ – „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Education Program, December 17th, 2011 – Mugla, Turkey.
23) Bilhan H. “Periimplantitis” ITI TURKISH SECTION SYMPOSIUM- December 2-3rd 2011, ANTALYA, Turkey.
24) Bilhan H. “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – “ The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „Straumann Guided Surgery“. ITI Ankara Study Club Meeting 2011/4 as guest speaker. November 20th, 2011, Ankara, Turkey.
25) Bilhan H. „The Influence of Implant Number and Attachment Type on Complications, Bite Force and Quality of Life/Patient Satisfaction in Mandibular Overdenture Patients“. Samsun Dental Chamber – Scientific Program of the Dentistry Week – 25 November 2010, Samsun.
26) Bilhan H. “Prosthetic Complications in Dental Implantology” ITI TURKISH SECTION – 29‐31 October 2010, Antalya.
27) Bilhan H. “The Evaluation of the Influence of Osseospeed ve Tioblast Surfaces on Stability Values and Marginal Bone Loss Around Implants”. Astra-Tech Scientific Meeting, November 12th, 2009, Point Hotel, Istanbul.
28) Bilhan H. “Is Platform Switching important in Prevention of Marginal Bone Loss? The results of a 36-month clinical follow-up study with 51 patients and 126 implants of 4 different brands”. Astra-Tech Scientific Meeting, March 12th, 2009, Point Hotel, Istanbul.
29) Bilhan H. “The influence of several factors on marginal bone loss around dental implants: the results of a 24-month clinical follow-up study with 93 patients and 269 implants of 4 different brands”. ITI Scientific Meeting, 7-9 November 2008, Titanik Hotel, Antalya.
30) Bilhan H. “Unexpected implant failures and solutions”. Astra-Tech Scientific Meeting, May 15th, 2008, Point Hotel, Istanbul.
31) Bilhan H., Yılmaz A., Ates M. “An alternative prothetic method to treat a case with a severe maxillary atrophy by the use of implants without sinus lifting: a case report”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 29th- June 2nd, 2006, Bodrum, Turkey.
32)Bilhan H. “Early crestal bone resorption and the significance of occlusion”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 23-28, 2004, Antalya, Turkey.
33) Bilhan H. “Guided Bone Regeneration around Titanium Implants”. Turkish Dental Association’s 3rd International Dental Congress, June 18-22, 1996, Ankara, Turkey.
34) Bilhan H. “Guided Bone Regeneration around titanium screw implants by a biodegradable barrier membrane (Biofix®) and BMP (bone morphogenetic protein)”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Implantology and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, June 9-15, 1996, Fethiye, Turkey.