Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bilhan

Schwerpunkte Implantologie, Zahnersatz und Parodontologie
Meine Publikationen
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- Bilhan H.Preparation of the Mouth for Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 53-61. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016.
- Bilhan H.The Role of the Dental Implant in Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 195-208. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016.
- Bilhan H.Useful Facts Concerning Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 209-213. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016.
- Bilhan H, Arat S & Geckili O. Chapter 2: How Precise Is Dental Volumetric Tomography in the Prediction of Bone Density? In: Top 10 Contributions on Dental Science, Avid Science, India, 2018.
- Bilhan H.Preparation of the Mouth for Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 57-72. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual, 2nd Edition. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2024.
- Bilhan H.The Role of the Dental Implant in Removable Partial Dentures; pp. 223-244. in: Şakar, Olcay (Ed.) Removable Partial Dentures – A Practitioners’ Manual, 2nd Edition. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2024.
- Friedmann A, Jung R, Bilhan H, Ghawi-Begovic HA, Kauffmann F, Diehl D. Reconstructive surgical therapy of peri-implant defects with ribose cross-linked collagen matrix and crosslinked hyaluronic acid – a prospective case series. Clin Oral Investig. 2024 Sep 20;28(10):536.
- van Orten A, Goetz W, Bilhan H. Alveolar Ridge Preservation Using a Novel Species-Specific Collagen-Enriched Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral: Histological Evaluation of a Prospective Case Series. Bioengineering (Basel). 2024 Jun 28;11(7):665.
- van Orten A, Goetz W, Bilhan H. A Novel Prehydrated Porcine-Derived Acellular Dermal Matrix: A Histological and Clinical Evaluation. Int J Biomater. 2024 Jun 27;2024:7322223.
- Ates G, Bilhan H, Sulun T, Dayan SC, Geckili O, Tuncer N. “Comparative evaluation of survival rates and marginal bone levels of non-splinted immediately loaded interforaminal implants retaining mandibular overdentures: a randomized controlled clinical trial with 5-year results”. Int. J Oral & Maxillofac Implants 2023; 17; 38(5): 954-962.
- Bilhan H, Friedmann A. The “tunneled sandwich” technique for preserving the buccal tissue volume after immediate implantation: a retrospective report of ten cases. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2023; 24;(7): s53-s64.
- Diehl D, Kaner D, Bockholt A, Bilhan H, Friedmann A. „Microcirculation and Neutrophil-related cytokine concentrations are not altered around narrow diameter implants in T2DM patients during wound healing“. Clinical Oral Investigations 2023; 27(3):1167-1175.
- Diehl D, Friedmann A, Liedloff P, Jung RM, Sculean A, Bilhan H. Adjunctive application of Hyaluronic acid in combination with a sodium hypochlorite gel for non-surgical treatment of residual pockets reduces the need in periodontal surgery – retrospective analysis of a clinical case series. Materials 2022; 15, 6508.
- Diehl D, Winkler M, Bilhan H, Friedmann A. “Implant stability of narrow diameter implants in hyperglycemic patients – a 3-month case control study”. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2022; 1-7.
- Friedmann A, Bilhan H, Saidowa-Friedmann A. Nichtchirurgische PAR-Therapie Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener im Licht der neuesten EFP-Leitlinie. Quintessenz Zahnmedizin 2022; 73(4): 2-19.
- Akdemir S, Tokgöz SE, Kurt E, Bilhan H. Determination of intercanine distance from a proportion calculation: A pilot clinical study. J Prosthet Dent. 2022; ISSN 0022-3913.
- van Orten A, Goetz W, Bilhan H.Tooth-Derived Granules in Combination with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (“Sticky Tooth”) in Socket Preservation: A Histological Evaluation. Dentistry Journal. 2022; 10(2):29.
- Bilhan H,Erdogan O, Geckili O, Bilgin T. “Comparison of Marginal Bone Levels around Tissue Level implants with platform matched and Bone Level Implants with Platform Switching connections: 1-year results of a prospective cohort study with split mouth design.” International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2021 Sep-Oct; 36(5): 945-951.
- Friedmann A, Winkler M, Diehl D, Yildiz MS, Bilhan H. “One-year performance of posterior narrow diameter implants in hyperglycemic and normo-glycemic patients-a pilot study.” Clin Oral Investig. 2021; 25(12):6707-6715.
- Tokgöz S.E., Bilhan H.“The Influence of the Implant-Abutment Complex on Marginal Bone And Peri-Implant Conditions: A Retrospective Study.” Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 2021; 13: 46-54.
- Bilmenoglu C., Ateş G., Ürgün A.C., Geçkili O., Çilingir A., Bural C., Bilhan H. “Can Implant Positioning Errors be Detected by Primary Stability Measurements? – İmplantların Yerleşim Hataları Primer Stabilite Ölçümü ile Saptanabilir mi?” Turkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci. 2021; 27(1):1-5.
- Krischik D., Tokgöz S.E., van Orten A., Friedmann A., Bilhan H.“An In Vitro Evaluation of Primary Stability Values for Two Differently Designed Implants to Suit Immediate Loading in Very Soft Bone.” Dent. J. (Basel) 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, 5.
- Friedmann A., Stavropoulos A., Bilhan H.“GTR Treatment in Furcation Grade II Periodontal Defects with the Recently Reintroduced Guidor PLA Matrix Barrier: A Case Series with Chronological Step-by-Step Illustrations.” Case Reports in Dentistry 2020; Article ID 8856049, 10 pages
- van Orten A., Bilhan H.“PRF from the Perspective of a Daily Practitioner: Where are the Limits? “Acta Scientific DENTAL SCIENCES 2020; 4(11): 54-59.
- Bilmenoglu C., Cilingir A., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T. In vitro comparison of trueness of 10 intraoral scanners for implant-supported complete-arch fixed dental prostheses. J Prosthet Dent. 2020; 124(6):755-760.
- Friedmann A., van Orten A., Bilhan H.“Sinus floor elevation – a valuable chance to restore posterior edentulous maxilla by implant supported reconstruction – Augmentation de la hauteur du plancher sinusien: un atout précieux pour restaurer l’edentation postérieure maxillaire par reconstruction implanto-portee.” Journal de Parodontologie & d’Implantologie Orale 2019; 38: 315-326.
- Arat Bilhan S., Geckili O., Cilingir A., Bozdag E., Bilhan H.“The Evaluation of two interforaminal implants and implant-assisted removable dentures on the stress distribution: an in vitro study.” J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019; 45: 199-206.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Geckili E., Barca-Dayan E., Dayan C., Bural C. “Is clinical experience important for obtaining the primary stability of dental implants with aggressive threads? An ex vivo study.” Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 Mar 1;24 (2): e254-259.
- Bural C., Güven M.Ç., Kayacıoğlu B., Ak G., Bayraktar G., Bilhan H.Effect of Over-the-Counter Topical Agents on Denture-Induced Traumatic Lesions: A Clinical Study. Int J Prosthodont. 2018 Sep/Oct; 31(5): 481-484. doi: 10.11607/ijp.5803.
- Yabul A., Dayan C., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Tuncer N. Evaluation of volumetric wear of abutments on the retention loss of ball attachment systems in implant retained overdentures: an in vitro study. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2018; 20: 778-784. doi: 10.1111/cid.12644.
- Bilhan H.Preparation of the mouth for removable partial dentures. Clin Dent Rev 2018; 2: 13.
- Keşoğlu A.C., Bural C., Genç G.E., Erturan Z., Çınar Ç., Oğuz F., Bilgin T., Bilhan H.Cytokine gene polymorphism in denture stomatitis patients: A clinical study. Oral Dis. 2018; Sep, 24(6): 983-992. doi: 10.1111/odi.12844.
- Cilingir A., Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Gomec Y., Özcan M. Adhesion of conventional and self-adhesive resin cements to indirect resin composite using different surface conditioning methods. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2017; 31(4): 358–68.
- Mercan U., Bilhan H., Meral D.G., Kazokoglu S., Aykol-Sahin G., Geckili O. Influence of the Localization of Frontal Bone Defects on Primary Stability Values of Different Implant Designs: An In Vitro Study. Implant Dentistry 2017; 26(1): 87-94.
- Geckili E., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Kutay O., Bilgin T. “Clinical Comparison of Screw-Retained and Screwless Morse Taper Implant-Abutment Connections: One year post loading results.” International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2017; 32(5):1123–1131.
- Geckili O., Cilingir A., Bural C., Bilmenoglu C, Bilhan H. „Determination of the optimum torque to tighten the Smartpegs of magnetic resonance frequency analyses devices: an ex-vivo study“. Journal of Oral Implantology 2015; 41(6): e252-6.
- Bilhan H., Bilmenoglu C., Ates G, Urgun A.C., Bural C., Cilingir A., Geckili O. „Comparison of the Primary Stability Values of two Different Implant Designs: an in vitro study“. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2015; 30(5): 1036–1040.
- Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Bilmenoğlu C., Bural C., Şakar O., Geckili O. „The Evaluation of the Reliability of Periotest in Implant Stability Measurements“. Journal of Oral Implantology 2015; 41(4): e90-95.
- Bilhan H.,Geckili O., Arat Bilhan S., Aycicek F., Albayrak B., Bozbulut P., Unalan F. „The Comparison of the Precision of Different Dental Radiographic Methods in Mandibular Periimplantary Measurements: An In Vitro Study“. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 2015; 49(1): 1-9.
- Geckili O., Cilingir A., Erdogan O., Kesoglu A., Bilmenoglu C., Ozdiler A., Bilhan H.„The influence of momentary retention forces on patient satisfaction and quality of life of two implant-retained mandibular overdenture wearers“. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2015; 30(2): 397-402.
- Geckili O., Cilingir A., Erdogan O., Bilmenoglu C., Ozdiler A., Kesoglu A., Bilhan H. „The influence of inter-implant distance on patient satisfaction and quality of life in mandibular overdentures supported by two implants“. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2015; 28(1):19-21.
- Arat S., Baykasoglu C., Bilhan H., Kutay O., Mugan A. “Effect of attachment types and number of implants supporting mandibular overdentures on stress distribution: A computed tomography-based 3D finite element analysis”. Journal of Biomechanics 2015; 48(1): 130-137.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Bilmenoglu C., Ates G., Urgun A.C., Bural C. “A comparative ex vivo evaluation of two Periotest devices measuring the stability of dental implants.” J Periodontol 2014; 85: 1786-1791.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Geckili E., Cilingir A., Mumcu E., Bural C. „Evaluation of Possible Prognostic Factors for the Success, Survival and Failure of Dental Implants“. Implant Dentistry 2014; 23(1): 44-50.
- Cilingir A., Bilhan H., Baysal G., Sunbuloglu E, Bozdag E. “The Impact of Frenulum Height on Strains in Maxillary Denture Bases: An in Vitro Study”. Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 2013; 5: 409-415.
- Cilingir A., Sulun T., Bozdag E., Sünbüloglu E., Geckili O, Bilhan H. “The Comparison of Strength of Different Methods for the Repair of Urethan Dimethacrylate Denture Base Materials: an in vitro study”. Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 2013; 5: 396-401.
- Bural C., Bilhan H., Çilingir A., Geçkili O. „Assessment of demographic and clinical data related to dental implants in a group of Turkish patients treated at a university clinic“. Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 2013; 5(3): 351-358.
- Bilhan H., Bural C., Geckili O. “Titanium Hypersensitivity: A Hidden Threat for Dental Implant Patients?”New York State Dental Journal 2013; 79(4): 38-43.
- Atalay B., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Bilmenoglu C, Meric U. „The Clinical Evaluation of Implants in patients with Maxillofacial Defects: Preliminary Report“. World Journal of Stomatology 2013; 2(3): 48-55.
- Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bilhan H. “Radiographic Evaluation of Narrow Diameter Implants after 5 years of clinical function: a Retrospective Study”. Journal of Oral Implantology 2013; 39: 273-279.
- Sakar O., Sülün T., Bilhan H., İspirgil E. “Does the Presence of Anterior Mandibular Teeth Increase the Incidence of Denture Stomatitis?“ Journal of Prosthodontics 2013; 22(3):174-178.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Ergin S., Erdogan O., Ates G.“The Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction and Complications with Existing Complete Dentures“. Journal of Oral Science 2013; 55(1): 29-37.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Ceylan G. “Edentulous Maxillary Arch Fixed Implant Rehabilitation Using a Hybrid Prostheses Made of Micro-ceramic Composite: Case Report”. Journal of Oral Implantology 2013; 39(1): 115-120.
- Arat Bilhan S., Bilhan H., Bozdag E., Sunbuloglu E., Baykasoglu C., Kutay O. „The Influence of the Attachment Type and Implant Number Supporting Mandibular Overdentures on Stress Distribution: An in vitro Study – Part I“.Implant Dentistry 2013;22(1):39-48.
- Mumcu E., Bilhan H., Geckili O. The influence of healing type on marginal bone levels of implants supporting mandibular overdentures: A randomized clinical study. Indian J Dent Res 2012; 23:514-518.
- Bilhan H., Bural C., Cilingir A., Geckili O. “İmplantüstü protezlerin tedavilerinde karsılasılan cerrahi ve protetik komplikasyonlar: 24 aylık klinik sonuçlar”. “Complications with implant overdentures: 24-month clinical results”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Dishekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry) 2012; 46(2): 40-46.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H. „The Assessment of the Stability of Implants Placed in the Mandibular Interforaminal Region in Relation to Bone Quality“. İstanbul Üniversitesi Dishekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry) 2012; 46(1): 24-31.
- Bilhan H., Arat S., Mumcu E., Geckili O., Sakar O. “Precision of Implant Placement With Stereolithographic Templates: A Pilot In Vitro Study“. Journal of Oral Implantology 2012; 38(5): 569-574.
- Geçkili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T., Cakir A.F., Yuksel B., Von Fraunhofer J.A. “The Effect of Urea on the Corrosion Behavior of Different Dental Alloys“Indian Journal of Dental Research 2012; 23(1): 75-79.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Tuncer N., Dayan C., Yabul A.“Comparison of Mandibular Two Implant Overdenture and Conventional Complete Denture Wearing Elderly Edentulous Patients in Terms of Patient Satisfaction, Quality of Life and Bite Force after 4 Years of Clinical Function”. Special Care in Dentistry 2012; 32: 136-141.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Erdogan O., Ergin S., Celik M., Ates G. “Complication Rates and Patient Satisfaction with Removable Dentures”. Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 2012; 4:109-115.
- Bilhan H., Arat S., Geckili O. „How Precise is Dental Volumetric Tomography in Prediction of Bone Density“. International Journal of Dentistry 2012; Special Issue: 1-8.
- Bilhan H., Arat S., Geckili O. „Hekimin İmplant Cerrahisi Sırasında Hissettigi Kemik Direnci ile Radyografiden elde edilen Hounsfield Ünitesi Degerlerinin Karsılastırılması: Bir Pilot Çalışma “. „The Comparison of Hounsfield Unit Values with The Bone Resistance During Implant Surgery: A Pilot Study“. Gazi Üniversitesi Dishekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi (Gazi Dental Journal) 2012; 29(1): 19-24.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Mumcu E., Bural C. “A Comparative In-Vitro Evaluation Of Two Different Devices Detecting The Stability Of Osseointegrated Implants”.Journal of Periodontal Research 2012; 47(4): 508-513.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Tuncer N. “The Influence of Maximum Bite Force on Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Life of Patients Wearing Mandibular Implant Overdentures“. Journal of Oral Implantology 2012; 38(3): 271-277.
- Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bilhan H.“The Effect of Maximum Bite Force, Implant Number, And Attachment Type on Marginal Bone Loss Around Implants Supporting Mandibular Overdentures: A Retrospective Study“. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2012; 14: e91-e97.
- Mumcu E., Bilhan H., Geckili O. “The Effect of Attachment Type and Implant Number on Satisfaction and Life Quality of Patients Wearing Mandibular Implant Retained Overdentures“. Gerodontology 2012; 29: e618-e623.
- Sülün T., Sakar O., Bilhan H., İspirgil E. „The Effect of Mandibular Anterior Teeth on The Hypermobile Tissue in the Anterior Part of the Maxilla“. Archives of Geriatrics and Gerontology 2012; 55: 12-15.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Mumcu E., Cilingir A., Bozdag E. “The Influence of Implant Number and Attachment Type on Bite Forces of Mandibular Overdentures: A Clinical Study”. Gerodontology 2012; 29: e116-e120.
- Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bilhan H., Dayan C., Yabul A., Tuncer N. “Tam Protez Kullanan Hastalarda Demografik Faktorler, Protez Yası Ve Cigneme Kuvvetinin Yasam Kalitesi Ve Hasta Memnuniyeti Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi”. „The Effect of Demographic Factors, Denture Age and Bite Force on Quality of Life And Patient Satisfaction Of Complete Denture Wearers“. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Dishekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi (Cumhuriyet Dental Journal) Cumhuriyet Dent J 2011; 15(1): 7-15.
- Mumcu E., Geckili O., Bilhan H.„Tam Dissiz Hastalarda Yas, Cinsiyet ve Protez Tecrübesinin Yasam Kalitesi ve Hasta Memnuniyeti Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi“. İ.Ü. Dishekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi 2011; 45 (2): 57-64.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Mumcu E. “The Use of Definitive Implant Abutments for the Fabrication of Provisional Crowns: A Case Series”. Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science 2011; 41: 248-252.
- Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bilhan H. „Interalveolar Clearance and Implant Retained Overdenture Attachments“. Türk Dishekimligi Dergisi (Turkish Dental Journal) 2011; 81: 84-87.
- Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bilhan H. „Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation Of 3-implant-Retained Mandibular Overdentures: A 3-Year Retrospective Study“. Quintessence International 2011; 42: 721-728.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Geckili O., Atalay B. “The Evaluation of the Success of Immediately Placed Single Implants: A Retrospective Clinical Study.“ Implant Dentistry 2011; 20(3): 215-225.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Arat S. “Flapless Implant Surgery and Immediate Loading of a Case after Planning with 3-Dimensional Volumetric Tomography”. Türkiye Klinik Bilimleri Dishekimligi Bilimleri Dergisi (Journal of Dental Sciences) 2011; 17(2): 200-209.
- Mumcu E., Ayyıldız S., Uyar H.A., Bilhan H. “Different Prosthetic Approaches in Worn Dentitions: Two Case Reports”. Türkiye Klinik Bilimleri Dishekimligi Bilimleri Dergisi (Journal of Dental Sciences) 2011; 17(2): 215-221.
- Geckili O., Sakar O., Yurdakuloglu T., Firatli S., Bilhan H., Katiboglu B. “Multidisciplinary Management of Limited Interocclusal Space: A Clinical Report”. Journal of Prosthodontics 2011; 20: 329-332.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E. “Interocclusal Space Challenges” Dentistry Today 2011; 30(3): 132-133.
- Mumcu E., Geckili O., Bilhan H. “Management of Severely Worn Dentition with Different Prosthetic Rehebilitation Methods: A Case Series”. General Dentistry 2011; 59(2): e41-e45.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Bilgin T. “Three- Year Radiographic Evaluation of Marginal Bone Levels of Titanium Dioxide Grit–Blasted Dental Implants with And Without Fluoride Treatment”. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2011; 26: 319-324.
- Geckili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T. “Impact of Mandibular Two-Implant Retained Overdentures on Life Quality in A Group of Elderly Turkish Edentulous Patients“. Archives of Geriatrics and Gerontology 2011; 53: 233-236.
- Bilhan H.,Bural C., Geckili O., Sonmez E., Güven E. “Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient Maxilla after Surgical Reconstruction of the Maxilla: A Clinical Report”. Journal of Prosthodontics 2011; 20(1):74-78.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bilmenoglu C. “Maintenance Requirements Associated with Mandibular Implant Overdentures: Clinical Results after First Year of Service”. Journal of Oral Implantology 2011; 37(6): 697-704.
- Mumcu E., Bilhan H., Cekici A. “Marginal Bone Loss Around Implants Supporting Fixed Restorations”. Journal of Oral Implantology 2011; 37(5): 549-558.
- Bilhan H., Atalay B., Geckili O., Arat S. “Oral Rehabilitation Following Removal of a Rhabdomyosarcoma and Subsequent Microstomia: A Case Report”. Journal of Oral Implantology 2011; 37(3): 353-360.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Sulun T., Bilgin T. “A Quality-of-Life Comparison Between Self-Aligning and Ball Attachment Systems for 2-implant Retained Mandibular Overdentures” Journal of Oral Implantology 2011; 37: 167-173.
- Bilhan H, Mumcu E, Arat S. “The Comparison of Marginal Bone Loss Around Mandibular Overdenture-Supporting Implants with Two Different Attachment Types in A Loading Period Of 36 Months”. Gerodontology 2011; 28(1): 49-57.
- Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bural C., Bilhan H., Bilgin T. “Surface Treatments of Dental Implant to Improve Osseointegration”. “Dental İmplant Yüzeylerinde Osseointegrasyonun Gelistirilmesi icin Yapılan Modifikasyonlar”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Dishekimligi Dergisi (Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry) 2010; 34(3-4): 60-69.
- Bilhan H., Kutay O., Arat S., Cekici A., Cehreli M.C. “Astra Tech, Brånemark and ITI İmplants in The Rehabilitation of Partial Edentulism: 2-Year Results”. Implant Dentistry 2010; 19(5): 437-446.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Arat S. “The Role of Timing of Loading on Later Marginal Bone Loss Around Dental Implants: A Retrospective Clinical Study”. Journal of Oral Implantology 2010; 36(5): 363-376.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Erol S., Kutay O. “Influence of Platform-Switching on Marginal Bone Levels for Implants with Mandibular Overdentures: A Retrospective Clinical Study”. Implant Dentistry 2010; 19(3): 250-258.
- Bilhan H., Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bozdag E., Sunbuloglu E., Kutay O. “The Influence of Surgical Technique, Implant Shape and Diameter on the Primary Stability in Cancellous Bone” Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2010; 37: 900-907.
- Cilingir A., Bilhan H. “Meso Structures İn The Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Extremely Tilted Dental İmplants: A Case Report”. Türk Dishekimligi Dergisi (Turkish Dental Journal) 2009; 76 (16): 140-144.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Arat S., Cekici A. “The Comparison of Marginal Bone Loss Around Mandibular Overdenture-Supporting Implants with Two Different Attachment Types İn A Loading Period Of 24 Months”. Türk Dishekimligi Dergisi (Turkish Dental Journal) 2009; 75 (16): 91-99.
- Bilhan H., Arat S., Mumcu E., Kurt H. “Indications and Advantages of Mini Implants in Prosthodontics”. İ.Ü. Dishekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry) 2009; 43(1-2): 23-29.
- Bilhan H., Arat S., Mumcu E., Demirkaya A.A. “The Achievement of Anterior Esthetics by Multidisciplinary Approach: A Case Report”. İ.Ü. Dishekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry) 2009; 43(1-2): 45-51.
- Bilhan H, Sülün T, Erkose G, Kurt H, Erturan Z, Kutay O, Bilgin T. “The Role of Candida Albicans Hyphae and Lactobacillus In Denture Related Stomatitis” Journal of Clinical Oral Investigations 2009; 13(4): 363-368.
- Bilhan H., Cilingir A.A., Mumcu E., Selcuk Y.E., Horasan S. “Radyolojik Olarak İmplant Cevresi Marjinal Kemik Kaybını Belirleme ve Takip Etme Yontemleri”. “Radiographic Methods in Evaluating Marginal Bone Levels Around Dental Implants”. Türk Dishekimligi Dergisi (Turkish Dental Journal); 2009, 74(16): 4-8.
- Kurt H., Bilhan H., Tuncer N. “Bruksizmin Dental İmplantlar Üzerine Etkisi ve Alınabilecek Onlemler”. “Effects of Bruxism on Dental Implants and Preventive Measures”. Türk Dishekimligi Dergisi (Turkish Dental Journal); 2009, 74(16): 44-47.
- Geckili O, Bilhan H, Bilgin T. “A 24-Week Prospective Study Comparing the Stability of Titanium Dioxide Grit-Blasted Dental Implants with And Without Fluoride Treatment“. International Journal of Maxillofacial Implants 2009; 24: 684-688.
- Bilhan H, Sonmez E, Mumcu E, Bilgin T. “Immediate Loading: Three Cases with Up To 38 Months of Clinical Follow Up”. Journal of Oral Implantology 2009; 35 (2): 75-81.
- Unalan F., Aykor A.& Bilhan H. “The Galvanic Interaction Between a CoCrMo Alloy, Pure Titanium and Two Different Dental Amalgams with Special Attention on the Area Size” The Open Corrosion Journal 2009; 2: 17-25.
- Bilhan H.“An Alternative Method To Treat A Case With A Severe Maxillary Atrophy By The Use Of Angulated İmplants İnstead Of Complicated Augmentation Procedures: A Case Report“. Journal of Oral Implantology 2008; 34(1), 47-51.
- Sakar O, Bilhan H, Sülün T, Calısır F, İspirgil, Erturan Z, Erkose G. “Denture Related Stomatitis and Candida Counts of a Rest Home Population: An Epidemiologic Pilot Study in Patients Wearing Upper Full Removable Dentures”. Balkan Journal of Stomatology 2008; 12: 98-102.
- Can S., Bilhan H., Ates M. “Üst Cene Tam Dissizlikte İmmediat Yüklemedeki Son Gelismeler”. “Immediate Loading İn Maxillary Edentulism”. Türk Dishekimligi Dergisi (Turkish Dental Journal) 2008; 71: 31-34.
- Geckili O, Bilhan H,Bilgin T. “Locator Attachments as an Alternative to Ball Attachments In 2-Implant Retained Mandibular Overdentures” Journal of Canadian Dental Association 2007; 73: 679-682.
- Bilhan H, Bilgin T, Cakır AF, Yuksel B, von Fraunhofer JA. “The Effect of Mucine, IgA, Urea, and Lysozyme on the Corrosion Behavior of Various Non-precious Dental Alloys and Pure Titanium in Artificial Saliva”. Journal of Biomaterials Applications 2007; 22(3): 197-221.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E. „Tam Protez Hastalarında Kullanılan İmplant Üstü Hareketli Protezlerde Bar Tutucular“. “Bar Attachments in Implant Overdentures”. Klinik (Journal of the Istanbul Dental Association) 2007; 21: 14-22.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Bilgin T. “Dis Cekimi Sonrası Hemen İmplantasyon ve Hemen Yükleme Protokolü: Derleme ve 2 Vaka Bildirisi”. “Immediate Implantation and Immediate Loading: A Review and Presentation of 2 Cases”. Klinik (Journal of the Istanbul Dental Association) 2006; 19: 87-97.
- Mumcu E., Arat S., Bilhan H., Ates M. “Bitmiş Bir Protezin Konusma Bozukluguna Neden Oldugu Vaka ve Sorunun Cozümü İcin Onerilen Yontem”. “An Upper Full Denture Causing Phonetic Problems and The Solution of The Problem”. Klinik (Journal of the Istanbul Dental Association) 2005; 19; 130-134.
- Bilhan H., Sülün T., Kutay O.” The Prevalence and Aetiology of Denture Related Stomatitis in Patients Wearing Removable Dentures“. Balkan Journal of Stomatology 2005; 9: 191-197.
- Bilhan H., Arat S., Kutay O. “Sigara Dumanının Dis Implantları Üzerine Etkileri: Güncel Yaklasım ve Düsünceler”. “Cigarette smoking and osseointegration”. Klinik (Journal of the Istanbul Dental Association) 2005; 18: 58-65.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Sülün T. “Uygun Implant Sistemini Secmek İcin Hangi Kriterler Goz Onünde Bulundurulmali” “A Guideline Proposal for Decision Making in Choice of An Implant System”. Klinik (Journal of the Istanbul Dental Association) 2005; 18: 12-21.
- Bilhan H., Sülün T. “İmplantlarda Erken Krestal Kemik Rezorpsiyonu ve Oklüzyonun Önemi “. “Early Crestal Bone Resorption of Dental Implants and the Role of the Occlusion “. Klinik (Journal of the Istanbul Dental Association) 2004; 17: 58-66.
- Bilhan H., Sülün T., Sakar O. “Candida Kaynaklı Protez Stomatiti Tedavisinde Dört Farklı Yöntemin Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırması”. “The Evaluation of Four Different Methods in the Treatment of Candida Induced Denture Stomatitis”. Klinik (Journal of the Istanbul Dental Association) 2003; 16: 73-78.
Kurze Artikel:
- Arat S., Bilhan H., Sevim A. „Hibrit Protezler: Hekimler İcin Cankurtaran Bir Tedavi Cozümü“. „Hybrid Dentures: An Important Aid for Clinicians“. Dergi Nov/Dec 2011; 142: 60-62.
- Bilhan H., Arat S. “Asiri Ortülü Kapanisli Veya Kretler Arası Mesafesi Yetersiz Olan Hastalar icin Alternatif Cozüm Onerileri”. Dishekimligi Dergisi (Journal of Dentistry), 2011; 96: 42-44.
- Geckili O., Bural C., Mumcu E., Bilhan H. “Methods Used in Measurement of Stability of Dental Implants”. Dishekimliginde Estetik & Implant (Aesthetic & Implant in Dentistry) 2010; 17: 22-27.
- Bilhan H., Arat S. “The Achievement of Pink Esthetics in Maxillary Anterior Implants”. Dishekimligi Dergisi (Journal of Dentistry) 2009; 89: 59-60.
- Bilhan H., Mumcu E. “The Increase of Vertical Dimension İn Order to Restore A Worn Dentition”. Dishekimligi Dergisi (Journal of Dentistry) 2009; 87: 54-56.
- Bilhan H., Can S. “An Alternative Prosthetic Solution After Loss of Three Out Of Six Maxillary Implants”. Implants: International Journal of Oral Implantology, 2008; 9(2): 10-12.
- Katiboglu A.B., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Hatırnaz H. “The Treatment of Edentulism With İmplant Supported Fixed Restorations: A Case Report”. Dishekimligi Dergisi (Journal of Dentistry) 2006; 69: 36-40.