Dişhekimi Doç. Dr. Hakan Bilhan

Kongre & Sempozyum Etkinliği
En yeniden eskiye doğru sıralanmıştır
57) Bilhan H. & Friedmann A. Die „Tunnellierte Sandwich Technik“ kombiniert mit der Sofortimplantation zum Schutz der bukkalen Lamelle bei dünnem Phenotypen: eine retrospektive Analyse. 36. DGI Kongress, 24-26 Nov 2022, Hamburg, Deutschland (Poster Präsentation).
56) Liedloff P, Jung R, Diehl D, Al Ghawi-Begovic H, Bilhan H, Friedmann A. Chloramine gel and hyaluronic acid gel enhance effect of non-surgical instrumentation in persistent residual periodontal pockets – preliminary report from a clinical case series. EuroPerio10 – Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology, June 15-18, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark (Poster Präsentation).
55) Bilhan, H. & Friedmann, A. The tunneled sandwich technique for preserving the buccal tissue volume after immediate implantation: a retrospective report of eleven cases. EuroPerio10 – Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology, June 15-18, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark (Video Präsentation).
54) Bilhan, H. Digital Dentistry and Removable Prosthodontics: where do we stand today? 14th International Congress of the Hellenic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry in Thessaloniki, Greece; 15-16 December 2018 (Invited Speaker).
53) Bilhan, H. & Bosshart, Max (ZTM). The Gerber-Method and Digital Technology for Complete Dentures. 37th International AIOP in Bologna, Italy; 16-17 November 2018 (Invited Lecture).
52) Bilhan H. Treatment Alternatives for Edentulous Patients. Symposium on Geriatric Dentistry in the University of Zurich, 11.12.2017, Zürich, Switzerland (Invited Lecture).
51) Bilhan H. “Digital Keys for Implant Overdenture Success.” ITI World Symposium, May 2-4 2017, Basel, Switzerland (Invited Lecture).
50) Bilhan H. “Implant assisted removable dentures: seeing from another perspective”. ITI Congress of the Turkey & Azerbaidjan Section, December 2-4 2016, Antalya, Turkey (Invited Lecture).
49) Ürgün A.C., Geçkili E., Geçkili O., Bilhan H., Kutay Ö., Bilgin T. The effect of crestal location and inter-implant distance of mandibular implants with different connection types on marginal bone loss after one year; p 093. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
48) Bilmenoğlu C., Çilingir A., Bilhan H., Geçkili O., Gencel B., Bilgin T. The evaluation of point-based precision in extra-oral digital impression systems; p 206. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
47) Bilmenoğlu C., Çilingir A., Ates G., Geçkili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T., Tuncer N. Comparison of extra-oral digital impression systems; p 094. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
46) Arat Bilhan S., Bilhan H. The Restoration of Problematic Implant Suprastructures via Individualized Abutments instead of Prefabricated Abutments; p 195. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
45) Arat Bilhan S., Bilhan H. Hybrid dentures: complications and solutions; p 194. 22nd International Scientific Congress of Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology, 12-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
44) Geckili O., Geckili E., Bilhan H., Kutay O., Bilgin T. Comparison of the stability and marginal bone loss around implants with screwless morse taper and screw-retained implant-abutment connections. European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO) Congress – Challenges in Implant Treatment, September 24-26, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden (Poster Präsentation).
43) Bural C., Bilhan H., Bilmenoglu C., Urgun A.C., Ates G., Ciingir A., Geckili O. An in vitro study of primary stability of two implant designs in two different bone types. European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO) Congress – Challenges in Implant Treatment, September 24-26, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden (Poster Präsentation).
42) Ateş G., Kasnak G., Bilhan H., Oner F., Firatli E. Consequence of postoperative healing: oral surgeon vs periodontist. P1124; Europerio 8, June 3-6 2015, London, UK (Poster Präsentation).
41) Ürgün A.C., Bilhan H., Çilingir A., Bilmenoğlu Ç., Bural C., Geçkili O. “İmplant stabilite yöntemlerinden biri olan periotestin güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi: in vitro çalışma.”-“The Evaluation of the Relaibility of Periotest as an Implant Stability Measurement Method.” VIIth International Scientific Congress of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 19-22 November 2014, İstanbul, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
40) Geçkili O., Bural C., Cilingir A., Bilmenoğlu C., Bilhan H. Optimum Torque Level to Tighten the Smartpegs of RFA Devices. 92nd General Session and Exhibition of the IADR, IADR Africa/ Middle East Regional Meeting. 25-28 June 2104, Cape Town, South Africa (orale Präsentation)
39) Geçkili O., Bilhan H., Bural C., Cilingir A., Erdoğan Ö., Özdiler A., Bilmenoğlu C., Kesoğlu A. Effect of Interimplant Distance and Retention on Implant Overdenture Satisfaction. 92nd General Session and Exhibition of the IADR, IADR Africa/ Middle East Regional Meeting. 25-28 June 2104, Cape Town, South Africa (Poster Präsentation)
38) Bilhan H., Geçkili O., Çilingir A., Bural C., Bilmenoğlu Ç., Ürgün A.C., Ateş G. “In vitro evaluation of primary stability of dental implants placed with two different depths.” OP-12, page 63 in abstract booklet. VIIth International Scientific Congress of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 19-22 November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey (Präsentation)
37) Bilmenoğlu Ç., Bural C., Bilhan H., Çilingir A., Geçkili O. “Assessment of demographic and clinical data related to dental implants in a group of turkish patients treated at a university clinic.” PB-129, page 139 in abstract booklet. VIIth International Scientific Congress of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 19-22 November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
36) Yılmazcan Z., Arat S., Bilhan H., Unalan F., Geckili O. „The Comparison of the Precision of Different Dental Radiographic Methods in Mandibular Periimplantary Measurements“.FDI 2013 Annual World Dental Congress, Istanbul, August 28th-31st, 2013 (Poster Präsentation)
35) Bural C., Çelik M., Bilhan H., Bayraktar G.“Analysis of Traumatic Ulcerations Following Delivery of Complete Dentures“. FDI 2013 Annual World Dental Congress, Istanbul, August 28th-31st, 2013 (Poster Präsentation)
34) Bilhan H. „Which Implant Treatment in Which Edentulous Patient“. Year Fix Meeting of PEERS Germany 2013, January 18-19, 2013, Frankfurt, Germany.
33) Ateş G., Cilingir A., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Sulun T. „In vitro Comparison of Two Different Materials for the Repair of Urethane Dimethacrylate Denture Bases“. 36th Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association; Rotterdam-Holland, September 6-8, 2012. (Poster Präsentation)
32) Erdogan O., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Ergin S., Ates G. „The Clinical Evaluation of Complications and Patient Satisfaction of Patients Wearing Complete Dentures“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012 (Poster Präsentation)
31) Geckili O., Bilhan H., Cilingir A., Mumcu E., Bural C. „The in vitro Comparison of 2 Different Magnetic Devices used for Dental Implant Stability Measurements“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012 (Poster Präsentation).
30) Bural C., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Sonmez E., Cilingir A., Mumcu E. „The Retrospective Analysis of Various Prognostic Factors for Implant Success and Survival“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012. (Poster Präsentation).
29) Cilingir A., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Sonmez E., Bural C., Mumcu E. „The Retrospective Evaluation of Various Clinical Factors for Implant Success and Survival“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012 (Poster Präsentation).
28) Bilmenoglu C., Erdogan O., Kesoglu A., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T. „The Restoration of a Single Missing Tooth in the Esthetic Zone with a Hybrid Abutment: Case Report“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012 (Poster Präsentation).
27) Bilmenoglu C., Erdogan O., Kesoglu A, Geckili O, Bilhan H, Bilgin T. „The Restoration of Maxillary Dental Implants with Angulation Problems by a Bar Connection: A Case Report“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012 (Poster Präsentation).
26) Ozdiler A., Kesoglu A., Bilmenoglu C., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Bilgin T., Ozkol GI. „A New Method for Measurement of the Retention Force of Implant Overdentures“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012 (Poster Präsentation).
25) Gokcen A., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Ates M. “Alt cene interforaminal bolgede hemen implantasyon ve bar tutuculu protezle hemen yükleme: bir olgu sunumu”. „Immediate Implantation and Immediate Loading by 2 Implants and a Bar: A Case Report“. 10th International Congress of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Gnathological Society; Antakya- Turkey, April 12th-15th, 2012 (Poster Präsentation).
24) Arat S., Bilhan H., Bozdag E., Sunbuloglu E., Kutay O., Baykasoglu C., Mugan A. „In Vitro Assessment of Mandibular Stress Distribution Around Different Implant Overdenture Attachments“. 35th Annual Congress EPA -European Prosthodontic Association-September 29th to October 1st, 2011; Bern, Switzerland. (Poster Präsentation).
23) Celik M., Erdogan O., Ergin S., Ates G., Geckili O., Bilhan H. „Long Term Clinical Evaluation of Removable Dentures“. 35th Annual Congress EPA -European Prosthodontic Association-September 29th to October 1st, 2011; Bern, Switzerland. (Poster Präsentation).
22) Erdogan O., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Atalay B. „Cemented Hybrid as an Alternative to Screw-Retained: A Case Report“. 35th Annual Congress EPA -European Prosthodontic Association-September 29th to October 1st, 2011; Bern, Switzerland (Poster Präsentation).
21) Erdogan O., Bilmenoglu C., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T. “Impression Methods and Treatment Strategies for Patients with Microstomia”. 16th BaSS Congress, 28 April-1 May 2011, Bucarest, Rumania (Poster Präsentation)
20) Geckili O., Mumcu E., Bilhan H. “Influence of bite force on marginal bone loss around implants“. IADR General Session – March 16-19, 2011, San Diego, U.S.A. (Poster Präsentation)
19) Bilhan H., Geckili O., Mumcu E., Cilingir A. “The Influence of Implant Number and Attachment Type on Bite Forces of Mandibular Overdentures: A Clinical Study”. FTI 2010 – The 2nd Future Trends in Implantology November 11-13, 2010, Florence, Italy (Poster Präsentation).
18) Bural C., Bilhan H., Mumcu E. “Surgical and Prosthetic Complications in Implant Supported Restorations: 24 Months Clinical Results”.FTI 2010 – The 2nd Future Trends in Implantology November 11-13, 2010, Florence, Italy (Poster Präsentation).
17) Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Bozdag E., Sünbüloglu E., Kutay O. “Influence of Surgical Technique, Implant Shape and Diameter on the Primary Stability in Cancellous Bone”. 32nd Asia Pacific Dental Congress, 12-16 May 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Poster Präsentation).
16) Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Cilingir A., Sonmez E. “Chair-Side Methods for Immediate Nonocclusal Loaded Provisional Crowns: Case Series“. 15th BaSS Congress, 22 – 25 April 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece (Poster Präsentation).
15) Cilingir A., Ceylan G., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E. “Implant Retained Hybrid Maxillary Prosthesis Made Of Micro-Ceramic-Composite: Case Report”. 15th BaSS Congress, 22 – 25 April 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece (Poster Präsentation)
14) Sonmez E., Geckili O., Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Kayserili T., Cilingir A.“Management Of The Severely Worn Dentition With Different Prosthetic Rehabilitation Methods: A Case Series”. 15th BaSS Congress, 22 – 25 April 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece (Poster Präsentation).
13) Mumcu E., Cilingir A., Bilhan H., Geckili O. “Rehabilitation of Extremely Angulated Dental Implants: A Case Report“. 15th BaSS Congress, 22 – 25 April 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece (Poster Präsentation).
12) Mumcu E., Bilhan H., Cekici A. “Marginal Bone Loss Around Implants Supporting Fixed Restorations”. ITI World Symposium, 15-17 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland (Poster Präsentation).
11) Bilhan H., Arat S., Mumcu E., Geckili O., Horasan S., Kutay O. “How Precise Can Implants Be Placed with the Aid of a Stereolithographic Surgical Template”. ITI World Symposium, 15-17 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland (Poster Präsentation)
10) Arat S., Bilhan H., Geckili O., Atalay B. “Oral rehabilitation following removal of a rhabdomyosarcoma and subsequent microstomia: A case report”. ITI World Symposium, 15-17 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland (Poster Präsentation).
9) Bilhan H., Bural C., Hocaoglu E., Güven E., Geckili O., Sonmez E. “Prosthetic rehabilitation after maxillary tumor resection with radial forearm osteocutaneous flap: a case report”. 19th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 24-27 May 2009, Shanghai – China (Poster Präsentation).
8) Mumcu E., Bilhan H., Ayyıldız S., Avsever H. “Treatment of a Patient with severely worn Dentition (Case Report)”. 14th Congress of Balkan Stomatological Society, May 6-9 2009, Varna, Bulgaria (Poster Präsentation)
7) Mumcu E., Bilhan H., Avsever H., Gündüz K., Ucok O. “Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Maxillofacial Gunshot Defect (Case Report)”. 14th Congress of Balkan Stomatological Society, May 6-9 2009, Varna, Bulgaria (Poster Präsentation).
6) Koray M., Eren P., Bilhan H., Sisman N., Mumcu G., Tanyeri H. “Do removable denture-related lesions affect oral health related quality of life?” 9th Biennial Congress of the European Asscociation of Oral Medicine, September 18-20 2008, Salzburg-Austria (Poster Präsentation).
5) Kocaelli H., Olgac V., Bilhan H., Kurtulus B., Geckili O., Onur D.O. “Monostatic Fibrous Dysplasia of the Jaws: clinical and radiological follow-up of three cases”. 14th International Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, May 31st – June 4th 2007, Belek – Antalya – Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
4) Geckili O., Bilhan H., Bilgin T. “A simple method for chairside processing of Locator Attachments for implant retained overdentures“. 12th Congress of the BASS; Istanbul-Türkiye 12-14 April 2007 (Poster Präsentation).
3) Bilhan H., Mumcu E., Hatırnaz H., Katiboglu A.B. “A story of full dentulism to edentulism and back to full-mouth fixed dentulism by the use of 12 Astra implants”. Astra Tech Dental World Congress, New York City, April 6-8, 2006 (Poster Präsentation).
2) Bilhan H., Sülün T., Kutay O. “Oral Lesions In Association With Removable Denture Wearers”. 81st General Session of the IADR, 2nd Meeting of the PEF (British, Continental European, Irish and Scandinavian Divisions of the IADR) 25-28 June 2003, Goteborg, Sweden (Poster Präsentation)
1) Ozkal S., Bellaz B., Erdemoglu A., Bilhan H., Gürbüzer B., Kocabeyoglu O., Yücel O.” The Effectiveness of Different Antibiotics in Surgical Stent Acrylics”. 6th International Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, October 28th –November 1st 1998, Belek-Antalya, Turkey.
Ulusal Bilimsel Kongrelerdeki Sunumlarım:
42) Bilhan H.: Erkrankungen des Marginalen Parodonts bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Modul 9 im Rahmen des Curriculum Kinderzahnmedizin. 25.11.22, Haranni Akademie, Herne, Germany.
41) Bilhan H. “Treatment Strategies in Edentulism”. ITI Berlin SC Meeting, June 21st 2019, Berlin, Germany.
40) Bilhan H. “The stability measurements in implant dentistry: where are the limits.” ITI Witten SC Meeting, June 5th 2019, Witten, Germany.
39) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ Evening Seminar Series of the Esthetic Academy of Dentistry, December 12th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
38) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ ITI Istanbul Study Club Meeting 2016/4, November 14th, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
37) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Gaziantep Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 12th 2016, Gaziantep, Turkey.
36) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. ITI Konya Study Club Meeting 2016/3, May 7th 2016, Konya, Turkey
35) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry Related to Removable Prostheses and Solutions“. Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting, January 17th, 2016, Taksim Point Hotel, İstanbul.
34) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures and Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Cases.” ITI İzmit Study Club Meeting 2015/4, December 22, 2015, İzmit.
33) Bilhan H. “Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.” ITI Academic 2 Study Club 2015 4. Meeting, December 18th, 2015, The Marmara Pera Hotel, İstanbul.
32) Bilhan H. “Dental Implants Combined to Removable Dentures.” ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2015/2, June 13, 2015, Samsun, Turkey.
31) Bilhan H. „Methods and their Reliability in Implant Stability Measurements.“ ITI Academic I Study Club Meeting 2014/4; November 13th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
30) Bilhan H. „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism.“ Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting; October 15h, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
29) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ and „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulism“. ITI Bursa Study Club Meeting 2014/2; April 6th, 2014, Bursa, Turkey
28) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ Istanbul Dental Chamber’s Education Meeting; March 16th, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
27) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ ITI Samsun Study Club Meeting 2013/3; September 21st, 2013, Samsun, Turkey
26) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Gaziantep SC Meeting 2013/2, May 4th, 2013, Gaziantep, Turkey
25) Bilhan H. „The Importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ ve „Attachments in Implant Overdentures“. ITI Kayseri Study Club 2012/4, November 26th, 2012, Kayseri, Turkey
24) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Diyarbakir SC Meeting 2012/2, May 16th, 2012, Diyarbakir, Turkey
23) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „The importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ – „SAC Classification“ – „Surgical stents“. Course on Straumann Dental Implant System- Antalya; March 17th, 2012
22) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Malatya SC Meeting 2012/1, March 10th, 2012, Malatya, Turkey
21) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „The importance of Planning in Implant Dentistry“ – „SAC Classification“ – „Surgical stents“. ITI Education Program, February 25th, 2012 – Bolu, Turkey
20) Bilhan H. „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“ – „Treatment Alternatives in Edentulous Patients“. ITI Samsun SC Meeting 2012/1, February 18th, 2012, Samsun, Turkey
19) Bilhan H. „Prosthodontic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. Istanbul Dental Chamber – Education Activity Istanbul; January 30th, 2012
18) Bilhan H. Conference on: “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – „The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone“ – „Straumann Guided Surgery“ – „Loading Protocols“ – „Prosthetic Complications in Implant Dentistry“. ITI Education Program, December 17th, 2011 – Mugla, Turkey.
17) Bilhan H. “Periimplantitis” Iti Turkish Section Symposium- December 2-3rd 2011, Antalya, Turkey
16) Bilhan H. “Ceramic Abutments: When and Where?” – “ The Comparison of Teeth and Implants for Restorations in the Esthetic Zone “ – „Straumann Guided Surgery“. ITI Ankara Study Club Meeting 2011/4 as guest speaker. November 20th, 2011, Ankara, Turkey
15) Bilmenoglu C., Erdogan O., Ates G., Geckili O., Bilhan H. “Implant supported fixed restorations in defect patients: A Case Series”. 5th Iti Congress Turkey; 21-22 May 2011, Istanbul (Poster Präsentation).
14 Bilhan H. „The Influence of Implant Number and Attachment Type on Complications, Bite Force and Quality of Life/Patient Satisfaction in Mandibular Overdenture Patients“. Samsun Dental Chamber – Scientific Program of the Dentistry Week – 25 November 2010, Samsun
13) Bilhan H. “Prosthetic Complications in Dental Implantology” Iti Turkish Section – 29‐31 October 2010, Antalya.
12) Bilhan H. “The Evaluation of the Influence of Osseospeed ve Tioblast Surfaces on Stability Values and Marginal Bone Loss Around Implants”. Astra-Tech Scientific Meeting, November 12th 2009, Point Hotel, Istanbul.
11) Bilhan H. “Is Platform Switching important in Prevention of Marginal Bone Loss? The results of a 36 month clinical follow-up study with 51 patients and126 implants of 4 different brand”. Astra-Tech Scientific Meeting, March 12th 2009, Point Hotel, Istanbul.
10) Bilhan H. “The influence of several factors on marginal bone loss around dental implants: the results of a 24 month clinical follow-up study with 93 patients and 269 implants of 4 different brands”. ITI Scientific Meeting, 7-9 November 2008, Titanik Hotel, Antalya.
9) Bilhan H. “Unexpected implant failures and solutions”. Astra-Tech Scientific Meeting, May 15th 2008, Point Hotel, Istanbul.
8) Bilhan H., Yılmaz A., Ates M. “An alternative prothetic method to treat a case with a severe maxillary atrophy by the use of implants without sinus lifting: a case report”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 29th- June 2nd 2006, Bodrum, Turkey.
7) Bilhan H., Türk Y., Arat S., Kutay O. “The most frequently encountered problems and complications in implant treatment: results of upto 30 month follow-up”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 29th- June 2nd 2006, Bodrum, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
6) Bural C., Bayraktar G., Bilhan H., Bayramgürler I. “Magnetic Attachments in Overdentures”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 29th- June 2nd 2006, Bodrum, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
5) Bilhan H. “Early crestal bone resorption and the significance of occlusion”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 23-28, 2004, Antalya, Turkey.
4) Bilhan H., Bilgin T., Geckili O. “The Effect of Mucine, IgA, Urea, and Lysozyme on the Corrosion Behavior of Pure Titanium in Artificial Saliva“. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 23-28, 2004, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
3) Bilhan H., Bilgin T., Geckili O. “The Effect of Mucine, IgA, Urea, and Lysozyme on the Corrosion Behavior of CoCr, CrNi and amalgam alloys in Artificial Saliva“. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Surgery and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, May 23-28, 2004, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Präsentation).
2) Bilhan H. “Guided Bone Regeneration around Titanium Implants”. Turkish Dental Association’s 3rd International Dental Congress, June 18-22, 1996, Ankara, Turkey.
1) Bilhan H. “Guided Bone Regeneration around titanium screw implants by a biodegradable barrier membrane (Biofix®) and BMP (bone morphogenetic protein)”. Joint Congress of the Turkish Society of Oral Implantology and Academy for Prosthodontics and Gnathology, June 9-15, 1996, Fethiye, Turkey.